Problems affecting feet and toes are numerous. Besides discomfort, pain, itchiness, and other symptoms they bring, problems such as dry cracked feet fungus also have a major impact on a person’s confidence. People with toenail fungus and similar feet-related problems feel subconscious about their looks, especially during summer. Sure, they're uncomfortable and even painful, just like painful calluses can be to remove, but you can easily cure athlete’s foot, fungus, and other problems with our useful tips and tricks.
Solutions for dry, cracked feet fungus
Dry, cracked, and painful feet are a common occurrence, especially in women. A wide range of factors causes cracked feet and heels. Some people can have dry cracked feet due to a medical condition such as diabetes, but also because they’re overweight or obese. Eczema, hypothyroidism, Sjorgen’s syndrome, and standing for a long period of time can also make your feet cracks.
Fungal infections are a major cause of dry and cracked feet. Fungal infections can affect the heel, area under toes, sides of your feet. You may have fungal infections of your feet or toenails if they appear to be thickened, whitish or yellow, and you notice foot odor. The heels tend to be rough and cracked, while nails become brittle when you have nail fungus on your toes.
One of the most common types of fungus is an athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), which tends to begin between the toes first.
Besides the unappealing appearance of feet, fungal infections can also cause discomfort and pain in some people. If you’ve ever had cracked feet (or still do), then you know how painful they can, especially when you're walking or standing too long.
Fortunately, solutions to this problem are numerous. Let’s see the cures you can try immediately.
The Athlete's Foot Pumice Stone from Love, Lori
We'll start with the most rapid and thorough product on the market (that we know of!) for tackling this very problem. Our Foot Finish combines natural ingredients like Tea Tree Oil (below) and is one of our most popular products. Combined with the right ingredients to help exfoliate and kill bacteria, this one product combines the best of athlete's / fungus foot care. You'll learn about some of the other natural remedies to getting your feet back in this post if you want to gather the ingredients and do it yourself with other methods.
Try it for yourself!
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is an essential oil that comes from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a small tree native to New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. The Aborigines used tea tree oil as a traditional medicine for centuries. They crushed leaves of the tea tree to extract the oil, which was then inhaled to treat cough, common cold, or applied directly onto the skin.
Versatility is probably the biggest advantage of tea tree oil. The benefits and uses of this oil are numerous, and the treatment of athlete’s feet is one of them. You see, tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that make it the ideal tool to combat infections.
The importance of tea tree oil in the management of fungal infections on the feet is evidence-based. For instance, one study found that solutions containing 25% and 50% of tea tree oil were more effective in the athlete’s foot treatment between the toes than placebo—additionally, this essential oil-cured this fungal infection in 64% of people who used it.
A different study investigated the effectiveness of various antifungal agents and discovered that tea tree oil was the most powerful of them all.
To treat athlete’s foot and other fungal infections on the feet, you need to combine a carrier oil (e.g., warm coconut oil) with tea tree oil. The concentration should contain 25% to 50% of tea tree oil. Apply the mixture to the affected area two times a day.
Hydrogen peroxide
You've probably heard a lot about hydrogen peroxide, and chances are you already have it in your home. Hydrogen peroxide is a very pale blue liquid that appears colorless in dilute solution. Besides cleaning, hydrogen peroxide can serve other purposes as well. One of those purposes is the treatment of infections.
Hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic properties that allow it to treat and prevent infections when applied to certain areas. With this liquid, you can address toenail fungal infections, athlete’s foot, and other fungal infections affecting your feet. Hydrogen peroxide can kill the fungus growing on the toenails or surface of the skin on your feet.
You can pour hydrogen peroxide directly onto the affected area on the feet. Keep in mind this may sting, and it should bubble. Try to do it twice a day until the infection subsides.
For toenail fungal infections, the easiest thing to do is to wipe hydrogen peroxide on the affected toes or toenails with a cotton pad or cloth.
Another thing you can do to address fungal infections on the feet is to prepare a foot soak with hydrogen peroxide. The process is simple; combine 1/8 cup of hydrogen peroxide, or several cupfuls, to four cups of cool water. Soak your feet in this solution for 10 to 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, and pat dry.
Garlic is not only a delicious addition to most meals but also the best friend of a strong immune system. Health benefits of garlic are outstanding, but most people have never even thought they could extend to protecting their feet against fungal infections.
What makes garlic so useful for combating fungal infections on your feet and toenails? It all comes down to antifungal and antibacterial effects. In fact, the growing body of evidence confirms that garlic has strong antifungal properties. One study found that compound from garlic, called ajoene, cured an athlete’s foot in every person who used it. For the purpose of the study, ajoene was made into a 0.4% foot cream and applied directly onto the affected area.
How to use garlic for feet infections, you wonder. It's easy! You can prepare garlic foot soaks by crushing three to four garlic cloves. Then stir them into a basin of warm water. Soak your feet for 30 minutes twice a day. Do this for a week to experience noticeable results. Bear in mind that garlic foot soak may leave a well-known garlic scent on your skin.
Black tea
Black tea is well-known for its amazing potential to improve our health and wellbeing. Most people can’t imagine starting their day without a nice cup of hot black tea, especially if they’re not coffee drinkers.
While black tea is delicious, we're not talking about drinking it here. You see, black tea can help alleviate fungal infections that affect your feet. It does so thanks to tannins which dry out the feet, kill bacteria, and help to close pores on the feet to reduce sweating. All this can help black tea treat toenail and feet fungus.
All you have to do is to boil two quarts of water and add five to six teabags. Allow the black tea to cool and soak your feet for 30 minutes. Try to do this every day.
By treating the infections, black tea (just like other items on the list) can help you get rid of rough and cracked appearance.
Wear cotton socks to bed
You have a habit of wearing socks to bed? The quality and material matter a lot in this case. If your feet are cracked, rough, and thickened, then you need to wear cotton socks to bed. Nowadays, there are different kinds of socks on the market where cotton is only one of the materials, but that’s not good enough.
You need 100% cotton socks in bed. Why though? Wearing these socks after applying petroleum jelly onto your cracked feet can keep the moisture in, allow the skin to breathe, and prevent bed sheets from becoming stained. If you repeat this routine regularly, your feet will be noticeably softer. Taking care of infections and eliminating cracked skin should be accompanied with these measures that aim to restore hydration.
Hairdryer and talcum powder
Fungi cannot grow and thrive if they do not have the ideal environment. Some people sweat a lot and spend the entire day wearing wet socks or keep shoes on their feet, which don't allow the skin to breathe. This aggravates the infections or increases the risk of developing one. Getting rid of this moisture, particularly between your toes, helps keep the fungus from worsening and spreading.
Use a hairdryer to dry feet thoroughly after a shower or bath. Try not to burn the skin, but make sure no moisture remains on the surface. Once your feet are dry, you can proceed to sprinkle a bit of talcum powder that will help absorb the sweat.
When it comes to keeping feet dry during the day, you should also wear proper socks. Wool, bamboo, and socks made of moisture-wicking materials are a good choice.
Apple cider vinegar
A bottle of apple cider vinegar is already in your kitchen, right? If so, then you have a quick and powerful tool to tackle fungal infections on feet and toes. This is probably the easiest way to combat dry and cracked heels and feet, to finally have healthy feet and soft and nourished skin once the infection subsides.
Apple cider vinegar has potent antifungal effects that make it an effective tool to relieve fungal infections. You can make a foot soak by combining two parts of apple cider vinegar with one part of water. Soak your feet every day for 20 minutes, or you can start with 10 minutes and stick to it for a while before increasing the duration of your foot soak. For serious cases of fungal infections, you can opt for the “one part vinegar to one part water” approach.
The best thing about apple cider vinegar is that it can also take care of and eliminate foot odor. What many people don’t know is that apple cider vinegar can soothe dry, cracked feet. Vinegar foot soaks, and cool water can help you get softer feet. Do it every night and apply a rich moisturizer right after.
As you can see, apple cider vinegar is a versatile solution for various feet-related problems.
Baking soda
Here’s yet another kitchen staple. Since baking soda is probably in your home already, now you have a great addition to foot treatments to alleviate fungal infections naturally. Baking soda can do a lot of things, including the treatment of athlete’s foot and toenail fungal infections. Evidence confirms that baking soda, when applied on the skin, does exhibit antifungal effects.
As you’re already aware, by taking care of the infection, baking soda can help tackle cracked and dry skin. Make a foot soak by combining a half cup of baking soda in a large bucket of warm water. You may want to practice soaking your feet for 10 to 15 minutes, twice a day. Once you’re done with the foot soak, take a towel and dry your feet thoroughly, no need to rinse.
Liquid bandage
Dry, cracked skin on feet is a source of discomfort. This is particularly the case if the cracks are deep. Pain and even bleeding can affect a person’s quality of life. Liquid, gel, or spray bandages can help with foot repair. They cover the cracked skin and protect it from further damage. The liquid bandage forms a protective layer over the cracks to alleviate pain and stop germs and dirt from entering the wounded and affected areas. Combine this method with antifungal methods and natural remedies from this post. The result is a softer and smoother skin on your feet.
Other things to do
In addition to the above-mentioned tips and tricks, you may want to do the following to tackle dry, cracked skin and fungal infections:
- Maintain proper hygiene, wash your feet and clip nails regularly
- Use a rich moisturizer on cracked areas
- Soak feet in Epsom salt
- Wash socks and clean shoes regularly
- Apply essential oils onto the affected areas (besides tea tree oil, you may want to try lavender, jasmine, eucalyptus, lemon, lemongrass, and others)
- Exercise regularly to speed up the healing process
- Wearing shoes that allow your skin to breathe is also recommend, make sure they are comfortable too
- Use a pumice stone to get rid of dead skin cells on your heels
Many people deal with toenail fungal infections, athlete’s foot, dry, cracked heels, and all the problems they bring. Solutions are numerous, and you can easily try them out. Just make sure to always dry your feet properly and apply a rich moisturizer. In addition to methods mentioned here, don't forget our antifungal soap with pumice for your foot care to keep your feet young feeling, looking and smelling nice!
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