Are your feet as dry as the Sahara? Do you shy away from wearing open-heels and wear enclosed shoes to avoid revealing cracked heels and thick layers of dead skin? Dead skin and dry skin patches typically emerge due to lack of care and moisture.
However, many people who take good care of their skin with expensive foot creams and foot scrubs also experience excessive dryness. This can eventually lead to dead skin patches. It is essential to understand that dead or loosely hanging skin on the feet is a natural process, where your feet are exfoliating and shedding off dead skin cells to allow the development of healthy skin cells.
Dead skin typically emerges from a lack of moisture, which happens when the feet are regularly suffocated in closed shoes or heavy socks. Athlete foot, or the friction created by running or walking, can also promote dead skin. If you don't have a regular foot care regime of exfoliation, moisturizing, or vinegar foot soaks, you are more likely to experience this problem.
Dead skin can emerge on the bottom of the feet, causing the feet to emerge excessively dry and cracked. If it is caused by eczema, athlete's foot, or other severe infections, dead skin can be quite painful.
In this article, we will discuss some of the most effective ways to remove thick layers of dead skin. This is not quite the same thing as removing corns or calluses
Here's everything you need to know.
Foot Soaks
Foot soaks are indeed a relaxing part of foot care; they invigorate not only the feet, but also allow the mind and body to relax. Soaking your feet in hot water, infused with essential oils and skin-softening agents, will allow you to feel the relaxing sensations traveling from your feet and refreshing your mind.
If you find it challenging to make time for foot care in your busy schedule, this is a remedy that requires very little effort on your part. You need to fill a foot soak tub or basin with warm water and pour in some essential oils that boast skin-softening properties. Coconut oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil, and argan oil are all great picks.
The warm water will seep deep into the cracked heels, restore moisture, hydrate your skin cells, and loosen the dead skin. You can then use a pumice stone or a foot file to remove the thick layers, which will come off easily.
Pumice Stone
A pumice stone is one of the most effective foot care tools to add to your daily skincare regime. It is a stone made with natural lava. A high-quality pumice stone, such as the one from love-Lori, is vital to a foot care regimen. It aids in removing dead skin and callouses, alongside treating athlete's foot and other infections.
In order to use the pumice stone, you will need to prepare a foot soak with hot or lukewarm water. Start by dipping your feet in the warm water for at least 10 minutes; this is important to soften the dead skin, so it comes off without much struggle.
Then, start moving the stone across your feet in sideways or circular motions to remove the dead skin gently. It's best to keep dipping the pumice stone in warm water, as it helps make the process easier. Don't be overambitious when it comes to removing thick layers and larger patches. Instead, focus on removing the top-most layer and gradually work your way towards the entire area.
If you remove the entire patch of dead skin, it can cause bleeding, bruises and it can compromise healthy cell turnover. Once you're done, be sure to apply some tea tree oil or your regular foot cream to soften the feet. If you have any injuries or soreness, avoid using a pumice stone in that area.
The dead skin layers created by infections, such as athlete's foot, are slightly different and more severe. Since they can be painful and give rise to severe infections, they require more care than most average cosmetic remedies. Consider using a pumice stone featuring this tea tree oil and antifungal ingredients for effective results.
Paraffin Wax
A notable remedy for softening hard skin and removing dead skin patches, paraffin wax is also a popular feature of most high-end pedicure and spa foot treatments. Paraffin wax has a soft consistency that is achieving my melting the wax at a moderate temperature.
It's very easy to give your feet a paraffin wax treatment at home. You need to prepare a paraffin wax foot bath, or you can take the easier route and melt the wax in a saucepan. Once it is melted, add it to a bowl or tub where you can comfortably dip your feet. You will have to dip your feet in the paraffin wax multiple times to ensure that every inch has been adequately covered.
Be sure to avoid applying overly hot wax to your feet as it can leave burn marks and cause irritation. If you're unsure about the temperature, do a small patch test or use a candy thermometer for accuracy. Once you have applied several layers of wax on your feet, take some plastic sheets and wrap your feet nicely. The wax will harden, and you can remove it easily. As you remove the wax, the dead skin patches will also come off naturally, leaving behind a natural softness.
If you have low blood circulation, open sores, bruises, or rashes on your feet, it is best to avoid using paraffin wax. People who suffer from loss of sensation in their feet, as in the case of diabetic neuropathy, are also advised against using paraffin wax.
Foot Scrubs
Removing hard skin and aged layers of dead skin cells can prove difficult and painful, which is why it is crucial to maintain foot care as part of your daily skincare regime. Foot scrubs are an easy way to prevent dry skin patches from emerging and heal damaged skin with a consistent and effective approach.
You can choose any off-the-counter foot scrub that features ingredients to heal crack skin and eliminate dead patches of skin. It is best to invest in a foot massager, scrubber, and cleaner, as it makes the process incredibly easy and rewarding. A scrubber will become an integral part of your daily foot care and showering rituals.
If you prefer natural homemade scrubs, there are many remedies and natural ingredients that are effective at softening tough skin and eliminating dead skin and calluses. The easiest trick is to mix two tablespoons of sea salt with baby oil and lemon juice to make your own scrub. Apply the scrub evening across your hard, dry feet and gently rub it with your palm. It is best to use the scrubber if you are dealing with tough layers of dead skin and excessively dry feet.
Oatmeal scrubs are a popular traditional remedy to exfoliate the skin from deep within and remove dry skin. You can make your own oatmeal scrub at home by mixing oatmeal with some milk and rose water. For effective results, apply the oatmeal scrub to your feet and work its magic for at least half an hour. Then, take a foot file, pumice stone or foot brush to exfoliate the feet and peel off the layers of dead skin.
Once you're done, consider soaking your feet in hot water to rinse off the excess. Be sure to apply moisturizer or a good antifungal foot cream after drying your feet.
Baby Foot Peels
Peeling feet are signs of excessive dryness, neglecting foot care, athlete's foot, or serious infections, such as eczema and psoriasis. A baby foot peel is one of the most popular at-home foot treatments to remove dead skin cells and restore smoothly soft feet.
Baby foot peels come with plastic booties that need to be applied to the feet for at least an hour for effective results. These booties contain gel-like liquid solutions, which include skin-softening agents, moisturizers, and fruit acids that aid in shedding off dead skin and restoring smooth feet.
Begin by soaking your feet, and then secure the plastic booties to your feet with an adhesive. Let the booties work their magic for at least an hour before removing then and washing your feet with soap. It is essential to prepare regular foot soaks to encourage peeling and ensure the removal of dead skin layers within a week or less.
This remedy may not be scientifically backed, but it has overwhelming support across the world as many swear by its efficacy and effectiveness at eliminating dead skin cells.
Vinegar is another popular traditional remedy that has been synonymous with foot care for centuries. Vinegar prevents dryness and aids in removing dead skin layers, alongside healing dry, cracked heels.
A vinegar soak will not only help you relax after an exhausting day at work, but it will also soften your feet, making it easier to remove dry, dead, and cracked skin. You can use any vinegar you like; white vinegar and apple cider vinegar are the most popular options, and people usually stock them in the kitchen.
It is important to use cool water to prepare your vinegar soak. Hot water can speed up the dryness process and do more harm than good. Add 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar, and soak your feet for at least 10 minutes.
Then, use a pumice stone or foot file to remove the layers of loosely hanging skin or dry patches. Once you're done, apply some coconut oil or foot cream to moisturize your skin and then wear a pair of thick socks to seal in the moisture created by the vinegar soak.
It is best to repeat this treatment no more than twice or thrice a week, as multiple repetitions can cause more dryness.
Epsom Salt
A crystallized form of magnesium sulfate, a mineral compound, Epsom salts are brimming with numerous health and skin benefits. Epsom salts are an excellent ingredient to remove dry and dead skin and restore the smoothness of your feet. You can make an Epsom salt scrub or even a foot soak.
For a foot soak, dissolve two tablespoons of Epsom salt into a footbath with warm water. Soak your feet for at least 20 minutes to enjoy effective exfoliation for dry and cracked feet. You can always dissolve a cup of Epsom salt into a bathtub full of warm water to prevent dryness and relax your mind after an exhausting day.
Once you're done, be sure to use a pumice stone or foot brush to peel away the dry and dead skin layers.
You can create an Epsom salt scrub by mixing some salt with olive oil, coconut oil, or even hot water. Use a sponge to apply the scrub all over your feet and rub gently to exfoliate and remove the dead skin. Be sure to wet your feet before applying the scrub and moisturize your feet once you're done to prevent dryness.
Once you've removed the thick layers of dead skin with any of the home remedies or treatments mentioned above, keep in mind that your feet will require regular care and nurturing. Foot care must be a consistent and integral part of your daily self-grooming and cleaning rituals.
If you start neglecting your foot care needs again, the dryness and dead skin cells will return in no time. Consider investing in some foot scrubs, scrubber, foot creams, a pumice stone, and other tools that will help you maintain a vigilant and simple foot care regime that doesn't require too much effort or time. Adding essential oils, such as tea tree oil and coconut oil, to your foot care regime, can also make a world of difference to their upkeep.
Be sure to keep your feet moisturized, and be careful while selecting your footwear styles. If you always wear closed shoes, pumps, and heavy socks, consider alternating between open-toe and open-heel designs that allow your feet to breathe. Dehydration and humidity can wreak havoc on our skin by sowing the seeds for dryness, dead skin, and more serious skin issues, such as eczema and psoriasis.
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